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    slavery (the slave)


    Messages : 70
    Date d'inscription : 08/12/2010
    Age : 66
    Localisation : Montauban

    slavery (the slave) Empty slavery (the slave)

    Message par fraginfo Jeu 16 Déc - 23:09

    [img]slavery (the slave) Slave17[/img]

    The slave

    No, I won’t cry

    No, I won’t look at you

    I will continue staring at the

    I’ve been deprived of my freedom,
    wife and children.

    I will not talk to you about my son
    Wombee whom you made adopted by a White family; I will not mention my wife whom
    you have shamelessly raped with impunity.

    You’ve taken my cattle, you’ve fired
    my cabin, slaughtered my companions. You
    won’t take my dignity.

    My chains are your chains,

    You draw your own load.

    Don’t threaten me, I am not afraid;

    You can sell me,

    You can hit me

    You can whip me,

    You can break my bones,

    Make me work until I die,

    But you cannot make me drop a tear,
    nor utter a lament,

    I will cast the bad eye on you and
    your kins,

    The Spirits will trigger hail storms
    on your plantations

    Someday, your house will be on fire

    Your children will die of diseases
    unknown by your doctors,

    You will be shaken with shivering,

    Your trade will collapse,

    Your crops will fade,

    But you will be abandoned by your

    I am Black

    I am the powerful one.

    You will lose everything in your
    life whereas I will keep, the only valuable aspect: my soul.

    I will sing with the other slaves

    I will tell them my story and they
    will tell me theirs,

    We will always remain together

    And we, Blacks, will found a new

    A Nation of Liberty.

    Messages : 70
    Date d'inscription : 08/12/2010
    Age : 66
    Localisation : Montauban

    slavery (the slave) Empty slavery (the slave)

    Message par fraginfo Jeu 16 Déc - 23:11

    The painting was made by a friend from Facebook: John, and it inspired me a poem.
    Thanks to John.

      La date/heure actuelle est Dim 19 Mai - 10:46